History—Doing Life Together
Our six children are spread out over a sixteen year span , so we have rarely had two students in the same or nearly the same grade level. I guess our first two would be our closest, graduating only one year apart. Therefore, we usually have students in several different grades at the same time. I think the maximum number of different grades with which I was working at once was four, plus a pre-schooler and an infant. Still, four different sets of lesson plans in multiple subjects is a lot.of.prep.time! So, one of the ways we tried to simplify lessons a little bit was to have history together . We would chose a curriculum that could: Be implemented with a variety of ages Had multiple supplemental reading recommendations that could be used with the various grade levels Allowed for “together time” activities (i.e., recipes, projects, read-alouds, etc.) We try to accomplish our individual subjects that are grade-specific early in the morning, and then by 11:00 A.M. we are r...